

This was taken in the gardens at Eolia, the mansion at Harkness Memorial State Park in Waterford, Connecticut. We love this entire area where the Thames River enters Long Island Sound, with Groton on the north side and New London and Waterford on the south. It's about two-thirds of the way to Cape Cod and every fourth or fifth trip up we spend a Sunday there and drive onto the Cape on Labor Day. We get our coffee from Muddy Waters and walk the wharf in New London, head to Fort Trumbull for a panoramic view of the boat traffic on the Thames, walk out on the fishing pier below the fort, eat at Captain Scott's Lobster Dock, and then head for Harkness.

Harkness is just, well, fantastic: 230 acres right on Long Island Sound, the mansion, marshes, big lawns, bright sun, wind off the sound, and beautiful gardens. Some links:


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